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Shipping & Returns Policy
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. You must have the original receipt. Please contact us for return authorization before returning any goods. You must pay the return shipping fee unless the return is the result of our error. (ie you received an incorrect or defective item, etc).
Cut yardage is not returnable. Due to copyright laws, books and patterns are not returnable.
Refunds will be issued once items are returned to us. Shipping and handling will not be refunded, unless the return is due to our error. All returns must be in original condition and packaging and they must be in sellable condition. Items that are dirty or have smoke odor will not be refunded.
Shipping Information
Online orders up to $100 will ship for a flate rate of $7.95 by USPS.
Online orders over $100 will ship free by USPS. This applies only to orders in the continuous United States. Regular shipping charges will apply to Alaska and Hawaii.
Gift Cards will ship for free.
Shipping Speed
Orders will be processed for shipping within 3 business days, but often the same or next day. We ship regular business days, Monday through Friday.
We use USPS Priority Mail for all orders.
Site Errors
In the event that a product is listed on the website with incorrect information or price, we reserve the right to correct such information or price and orders will be revised to reflect the corrected information/price.
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. You must have the original receipt. Please contact us for return authorization before returning any goods. You must pay the return shipping fee unless the return is the result of our error. (ie you received an incorrect or defective item, etc).
Cut yardage is not returnable. Due to copyright laws, books and patterns are not returnable.
Refunds will be issued once items are returned to us. Shipping and handling will not be refunded, unless the return is due to our error. All returns must be in original condition and packaging and they must be in sellable condition. Items that are dirty or have smoke odor will not be refunded.
Shipping Information
Online orders up to $100 will ship for a flate rate of $7.95 by USPS.
Online orders over $100 will ship free by USPS. This applies only to orders in the continuous United States. Regular shipping charges will apply to Alaska and Hawaii.
Gift Cards will ship for free.
Shipping Speed
Orders will be processed for shipping within 3 business days, but often the same or next day. We ship regular business days, Monday through Friday.
We use USPS Priority Mail for all orders.
Site Errors
In the event that a product is listed on the website with incorrect information or price, we reserve the right to correct such information or price and orders will be revised to reflect the corrected information/price.